Monday 26 December 2016

The 7 Surprising Uses Of Botox That You May Not Know About

When you think about botox, the first thing that comes to your mind must be its wrinkle reducing treatment. Indeed, Botulinum toxin or botox is most popular anti-wrinkle treatment all across the globe but very few know that it has many other cosmetic and non-cosmetic uses.

Thursday 15 December 2016

How Lip Fillers Can Restore Your Youthful Lips?


It is a known fact that fuller, plump and firm lips give you a sexy, captivating and younger appearance. Fuller lips are considered to be more expressive as well as sexually attractive as compared to thinner and smaller lips. The demand to have sumptuous and plump lips has tremendously increased during the past few years especially following the confession of Kylie Jenner in public to have lip fillers enhancement.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Things You Should Know About Botox

Many of you will be familiar with the name of Botox as an anti-wrinkle drug which removes the signs of ageing. But do you know what actually botox is? The word ‘botox’ is actually a trade name given to the botulinum toxin which is injected into the skin to inhibit the movement of muscles. This prevents the formation of wrinkles on the skin surface.

Sunday 23 October 2016

How To keep Your Decolletage Wrinkle Free And Youthful?

One of the least cared areas of your body is décolletage. In contrast to the skin of your face and other body parts, the skin of décolletage is thin and more vulnerable to dryness while showing off your signs of ageing at the early stage. It is highly affected by sun exposure while ageing cause the loss of subcutaneous layers of fat leading to the formation of wrinkles. If you left it unprotected, it may age faster than you expect.

Sunday 9 October 2016

How Can Botox Injections Bring Your Youth Back?

Undoubtedly, Botox holds a status of a miracle drug that can fight off your effects of ageing and keeps you young for longer. The drug is an FDA approved treatment for the upper face wrinkles and lines which show up on your face due to ageing and as a result of a continuous effect of facial expressions.

Monday 22 August 2016

Chemical Skin Peels For Skin Rejuvenation

The chemical skin peeling is one of the ancient ways to achieve younger and healthy skin. The secret lies in the application of chemical solution on the skin in controlled concentrations which carefully peels off the layers of dead surface skin cells. The extent to which the skin is removed depends on the type of chemical used, its concentration on the peel and the duration of which it is left on the skin.

Friday 12 August 2016

Why To Choose Glycolic Acid Peel Treatment?

The alpha hydroxyl acids (AHAs) produce dramatic changes in when used in a controlled and smart way. The AHAs rejuvenates the sun damaged, blemished and aged skin by encouraging skin exfoliation. One of the well-known AHA that is used extensively in skin care products is glycolic acid. It is extracted from sugar cane.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Botox anti-ageing jabs for a younger you!

Wrinkles are a natural part of ageing process. With the ageing of the skin, the levels of collagen and elastin decrease. As a result of this, the elasticity of skin and its ability to stretch become limited. The hyaluronic levels decrease, which gives volume and moisture to the skin. This causes the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the skin. External factors such as sun exposure, alcohol intake, and unhealthy diet etc. increases skin cells ageing which contributes to the formation of even more lines and wrinkles. These lines and wrinkles initially form when you smile or make expressions such as squinting, frowning etc. But if they are not treated, they become deeply etched into the skin appearing even when your muscles are at rest.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Top Aesthetic Fixes To Help You Looking Youthful

Few decades ago, women upon hitting the age of 40 was considered to become old but now this looks absolutely ludicrous because women reach the height of their careers at 40s and they just start their families, participating in social events and enjoying life to the fullest. The age of 50, 60 or 70 is no longer considered to be the age of maturity as it was few decades back.

Friday 6 May 2016

How to achieve natural results with Botox and Fillers?

With progressive ageing, it become quite difficult to combat the ageing signs that appear on face. Undoubtedly, surgical treatments give reliable, long lasting and permanent results  but majority of people can neither afford surgery nor want to undergo the knife and scalpel to remove their signs of ageing. Due to this, injectable cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular as they are affordable as well as give quick results without the fears of surgery.

Sunday 1 May 2016

Understanding Hyperhidrosis For Better Control And Treatment

excessive sweating that is medically known as hyperhidrosis is a common problem. though sweating is a normal body function but when this function becomes abnormal then it is called hyperhidrosis. The body prespire much more than in normal routine even under normal environmental conditions when you are not exercising, doing any strenuous work, feeling hot or anxious.

Friday 4 March 2016

How To Select Appropriate Anti-Ageing Skin Care Products?

When we shop for anti-ageing skin care products, it can be a hit or miss experience. The counters and markets are flooding with numerous skin care products, each claiming to be better than the other. This makes it very difficult to choose the right products for your skin. Our expert and professional tips will help you in choosing the right products and shop them with confidence.

Monday 8 February 2016

How Botox Treatment Can Help In Treating Palmar Hyperhidrosis?

Although sweating is a normal body process, but when it becomes excessive it starts to interfere with normal routine life and social interactions. There can be various causes behind excessive sweating which can be psychological as well as physical. The condition characterized by excessive sweating is known as ‘hyperhidrosis’ in medical terms. This condition usually effect the face, underarms, feet, palms of the hands or groin area. However, this condition is not related to the psychological effects. It is mainly caused due to the overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system that results in the hyperactivity of the sweat glands. Hyperhidrosis is prevalent among 1% of the population and may have hereditary groundings.

Thursday 21 January 2016

How Botox Can Treat Hyperhidrosis Or Excessive Sweating Problem?

The severe underarms sweating are known as primary axillary hyperhidrosis. It is a condition that results in severe body sweats for regulating the temperature of the body. The severity of condition is determined by how much it interferes with the daily activities of the individual. If you feel that you suffer from the severe sweating of underarms then you need to consult dermatologist for hyperhidrosis treatment. Axillary hyperhidrosis can only be diagnosed by the professional and qualified medical professional.

Monday 4 January 2016

Will Botox Relieve Your Migraines?

You may not have heard about botox being used for treating chronic migraines. So you might be surprised to know that injections of Botox can also treat migraines along with improving the facial wrinkles and fine lines.

Botox is no longer just an aesthetic treatment. It has been used for treating numerous medical conditions since 1970s. Today, it is used for the treatment of more than 20 medical conditions including excessive sweating, blepharospasm, cervical dystonia, bruxism as well as chronic migraines and many more.