Friday 6 May 2016

How to achieve natural results with Botox and Fillers?

With progressive ageing, it become quite difficult to combat the ageing signs that appear on face. Undoubtedly, surgical treatments give reliable, long lasting and permanent results  but majority of people can neither afford surgery nor want to undergo the knife and scalpel to remove their signs of ageing. Due to this, injectable cosmetic treatments are becoming increasingly popular as they are affordable as well as give quick results without the fears of surgery.

Botox and fillers have make it to the top of the non-surgical anti-ageing treatments. All across the globe, millions of Botulinum toxin type A injections and filler treatments are carried out every year to banish the signs of ageing.

A word about Botox

Botulinum Toxin Type A known popularly by the name of Botox are the anti-wrinkle injections that work by freezing the movement of muscles. Each day our facial muscles work strenuously by performing unavoidable tasks such as speaking, chewing, smiling, frowning etc. These does not create much problem during younger age because your skin is plump, elastic and bouncy which means that it can withstand the strain placed on them. But as you age, along with the effects of harmful rays of sun, the natural production of collagen gradually slows down making skin to lose its natural collagen, elasticity and resistance. As a result the skin become thin and sags.

When the anti-wrinkle botox injections are injected into these muscles, it restricts the muscle movement in the target area. This in turn smooth out the surface wrinkled skin. Botox is most commonly used for treatment in the upper half of the face including forehead, eyebrows, and around the eyes. Botox works best for the dynamic wrinkles and lines.

A word about filler

The Hyaluronic fillers are the most popular form of dermal fillers used for aesthetic treatments. Hyaluronic acid is naturally found in the tissues of skin but can also be cosmetically manufactured. As its name indicates that it is a filler substance, it gives volume to the face.

When hyaluronic acid filler is injected into face, it creates a plumping effect by filling the folds, lines and wrinkles and also restores the youthful volume of the face which is naturally lost with the passage of time. Fillers are best for the treatment of deep folds and lines that exist around the mouth, nose and to restore the volume of cheeks and lips.

Combining Botox and fillers treatment to achieve natural and best results

Although Botox and filler injections give good results when administered as standalone procedures and give visibly improved results with a single treatment, but the combination of both treatments bring about dramatic yet subtle enhancements in the features and serves a dual function.

Botox treatment is dose dependent. Higher doses of Botox can create a 'frozen look' with longer lasting treatment effects while lower doses may not give the desired results with lower lasting results. So the practitioner needs to find an ideal balance and the right dose which not only leave a room for some muscle movement but also bring about improvements in the lines and wrinkles.

It is better to leave few of the lines because it allows natural and soft appearance contrary to the frozen look which completely smooth out the wrinkles and make face expressionless. The 'frozen look' is often a result of poorly administered Botox injections by an incompetent practitioner.

The use of Botox around the mouth area is limited because higher doses can result in distorting the facial expressions and restricting the movement of mouth. Therefore, the use of fillers is recommended in these areas and nose.

Almost similar is the case with dermal fillers. There are different types of fillers available. Some are thicker in density while others are of medium thickness. The thicker products when injected gives a stiffer look to the face especially to the lips, causing problems in the proper lips movement but they last for a longer period. Therefore, the use of medium thickness filler is better which allows the natural movement of lips while enhancing shape.

Cheeks on the other hand, can be treated with thicker fillers because their movement is not much and are naturally plump. But still caution should be taken while using the quantity of filler which maintains a natural look and does not make it look overdone. The cheek fillers are also pricey as compared to lip fillers so using a thicker filler will also give longer lasting results.

The combination of Botox and fillers treatment gives optimal facial rejuvenation results. The dermal fillers make the face plump, reduce the gaunt look, skin sagging and fill in the deep lines and wrinkles while Botox anti-wrinkle injections restricts the activity of facial muscles preventing them from further overwork which causes the formation of wrinkles and sagging skin. The combined treatment can be a solution to the ageing skin woes as well as a preventive measure, averting them from getting worse.

For the patients that experience both the sagging and loss of facial volume, the combined effect of Botox and fillers provide beneficial results for complete facial rejuvenation giving them a younger and youthful appearance without giving unnatural looks.

Bottom Line

For achieving natural results with botox and fillers, it is necessary to administer the right dose and create the right balance between the facial features. Start with lower doses and gradually increase the dose if desired results are not obtained. The expertise of the practitioner is also of crucial importance in this respect. A competent cosmetic practitioner with an aesthetic eye can inject the right doses to achieve optimal and natural results from the treatment.

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