Sunday 9 October 2016

How Can Botox Injections Bring Your Youth Back?

Undoubtedly, Botox holds a status of a miracle drug that can fight off your effects of ageing and keeps you young for longer. The drug is an FDA approved treatment for the upper face wrinkles and lines which show up on your face due to ageing and as a result of a continuous effect of facial expressions.

Botox or Botulinum Toxin type A is produced by the bacterium called Clostridium Botulinum which is known for causing food poisoning. This is one of the most poisonous substances in the world but after pharmacological purification, small quantities are used for cosmetic as well as various medical purposes. The injection of botox Birmingham by a qualified, trained and experienced doctor cause the blockage of chemical signals from the nerve endings disabling the excessive contraction of muscles which causes facial wrinkles.

Where botox injections should be used?

The muscle movements carve lines and wrinkles that are reflected by our facial skin. By blocking the movement of certain facial muscles, which cause the appearance of wrinkles and lines, Botox treatment straightens those wrinkles. Botox injections are injected in the forehead, between the brows and around the corners of the eyes where lines and wrinkles form due to the ageing process and creation of facial expressions. The injections are not injected in the muscles that lift the eyebrows because it can cause problems in the eye movements and can create an unnatural, frozen expression.    

When the use of Botox is a right choice?

When you feel that the following areas have started showing off the effects of ageing, then Botox Birmingham treatment is a good choice.
  • Vertical lines and fold on the forehead, between the brows and around the corners of the eyes.
  • Lines around the nose.
  • Forehead creases.
  • Eyebrows or eyelids asymmetry.

When is it not a good choice?

It is not possible to correct or mitigate all types of facial wrinkles with Botox. The wrinkles that are formed as a result of sun damage to the skin are not possible to correct through botox Birmingham injections. Also, botox is not suggested for the lines and wrinkles that appear in the lower part of the face because it can cause problems in smiling, eating, chewing, breathing and swallowing.
Other indications for the use of Botox

In addition to the treatment of lines and wrinkles, botox injections can also be used for treating persistent migraine headaches, excessive sweating, bruxism, eye movement problems and muscle spasms.


The results of botox Birmingham injections become visible in about 5-10 days following the treatment. By injecting small yet moderate quantities of botox it is possible to retain the natural look while reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines. The botox prevents the wrinkles from deepening and the results last for almost 3-6 months.
Possible risks in injecting botox

Botox is proved to be highly safe and effective treatment when the procedure is performed by a certified, trained and experienced injector. If the doctor is untrained and inexperienced then there is a high risk of complications and serious complications. Additionally, the doctors should also show the botox bottle to the patients, to give assurance that the bottle is sealed, have information about the concentration, region of production, manufacturing and expiry date.

Possible side effects

  • Bruising and swelling at the injection site which settles in few days.
  • Headaches or feeling of sickness that subsides in 24-48 hours.
  • Temporary muscle weakness and eyebrow drooping which may last for 3 months if botox is wrongly injected by the doctor.

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