Tuesday 24 January 2017

Choose The Right Chemical Peel For Skin Rejuvenation

Ageing is a natural process and many internal, as well as external factors, contribute to speed up this process. Nowadays, people look for easy, simple and quick ways to rejuvenate their skin for a younger looking appearance. Ageing combines with sun damage makes skin red, pigmented; develop lines and wrinkles, age or dark spots and scars. Chemical skin peel treatment is a quick and safe way to get natural skin rejuvenation.

Chemical peel treatment is a kind of deep exfoliating facial that is performed in a clinical environment by a medically qualified and trained professional. The modern peel treatment is individually tailored in accordance with an individual’s skin type and concern.

Our skin naturally sheds off old and damaged skin cells after a certain number of days which gives way to new skin cells. Due to ageing and other factors, this process slows down which results in accumulation of dead skin cells over the surface causing skin congestion, dull and flaky skin and lines and wrinkles.  The body’s natural mechanism of skin repair also slows down which results in imperfections, pigmentation, sun spots and uneven complexion.

Through chemical skin peel treatment, this dead skin layer is removed which gives a way for new and rejuvenated skin cells. There are many types of acids that are used for chemical skin peeling treatment depending on skin type and concern.

The chemical peels are available in three different grades or depths. The choice of peel is according to your skin type, texture, the level of imperfections and skin elasticity. The cosmetic doctor or dermatologist also determines which chemical peel solution you need.

Types of skin peels

  • Superficial or light skin peels: these skin peels work on the surface skin layer(epidermis). These are mostly suitable for rough, dull and dry skin. Alpha hydroxy acid (AHAs) and beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) are the most commonly known chemicals used in light chemical peel treatment. These are often combined with skin lightening and brightening agents to improve dark spots, pigmentation and sun damage. They are also called ‘lunchtime peels’ as they give quick results and do not have real downtime. These peels require several treatments to achieve best outcomes.
  • Medium skin peels: These are used for treating fine lines, wrinkles, acne and mild skin imperfections. The TCA (trichloroacetic acid) is usually a main active ingredient in these peels which is combined with other skin rejuvenating ingredients to improve skin tone, texture and imperfections. This peeling treatment produces dramatic results but has some downtime and requires 2 or more treatments to achieve best results.
  • Deep skin peels: Carbolic acid or phenol peels falls in the category of deep skin peels. These are appropriate for deep and coarse wrinkles, lines, deep spots, severe sun damage and other skin imperfections. They should only be performed by an experienced practitioner as they require sedation and have at least 2 weeks of downtime. The deep skin peel treatment is less common nowadays because it has largely been replaced by advanced lasers which produce much better and quick results of skin resurfacing and rejuvenation.

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